Biography on Salka Viertel (hardcover)

Since Jan 25, 2020, this biography on Salka Viertel was available as an eBook and a paperback edition. Now it is also available as a hardcover

Hello, I am the author Núria Añó and on this occasion, I would like to present my recent work, which is a biography: The Salon of Exiled Artists in California.

It is the biography of a woman, Salka Viertel, who had to go into exile in the United States because of Nazism.

She first arrived there as the “wife of” a film director but she was able to emancipate herself there, could work as a screenwriter and found employment as a screenwriter for Greta Garbo; she wrote about five screenplays for her. And well, there in the United States, she also owned a literary salon, where the great European intellectuals of the time used to go. Among others, the brothers Heinrich and Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht and many people from the German, French and English intelligentsia, such as Christopher Isherwood, and many other people attended.

I think this biography is very interesting… I spoke about it because of a colloquium I attended some years ago, in Jaén, at the International University of Andalusia, and I wrote an article of about ten or twelve pages. Then, as I found her story very fascinating, of how a woman succeeds during that era and can get ahead as a woman in a world like Hollywood. And because of all the things she did, I kept on investigating and looking for more information about her, to the point that I did this biography, which I present to you.

I hope that, if you read it, you will find it as fascinating as I did!

“A very interesting story and I think even in these very current times since in my eyes we have not made much progress on the issue of acceptance of ‘interpersonal feelings’ in general. A great and extremely interesting book about Hollywood in the thirties and forties about the influence of artists from European countries such as Germany, Austria, France, Sweden, England, Ukraine and others. An extensive and high-quality research project resulting in an in-depth account of many well-known and famous personalities and their interpersonal relationships.”

Joannes W. M. Groenewege, Translator

With this project, the author was awarded the Shanghai Writing Program (China, 2016) and the Baltic Centre (Sweden, 2017) residency grants.

“Even though Salka Viertel was such a pivotal figure in the exile community very little has been written about her, so Núria Añó’s book is a corrective, and she fills in many of the gaps of ‘The Kindness of Strangers’.”

Dialog International

The biography on Salka Viertel “The Salon of Exiled Artists in California” is available in these languages:

ESPAÑOL EL SALÓN DE LOS ARTISTAS EXILIADOS EN CALIFORNIA (Salka Viertel acogió en su exilio a actores, intelectuales prominentes y personas anónimas huidas del nazismo). 2020 ISBN: 9780463996102 (eBook) 9781658631631 (Paperback)

ENGLISH THE SALON OF EXILED ARTISTS IN CALIFORNIA (Salka Viertel Took in Actors, Prominent Intellectuals and Anonymous People in Exile Fleeing From Nazism). 2020 ISBN: 9780463206126 (eBook) ISBN: 9798647624079 (Paperback) 2021 ISBN: 9798734626528 (Hardcover)

DEUTCH DER SALON DER EXILKÜNSTLER IN KALIFORNIEN (Salka Viertel beherbergte in ihrem Exil Schauspieler, berühmte Intellektuelle und anonyme Personen, die vor dem Nationalsozialismus geflüchtet waren). 2020 ISBN: 9781071576700 (eBook)

GREEK Το σαλόνι των εξόριστων καλλιτεχνών στην Καλιφόρνια (Η Σάλκα Βίρτελ πρόσφερε άσυλο στο σπίτι της σε ηθοποιούς, σε διαπρεπείς διανοούμενους και σε ανώνυμα άτομα που τράπηκαν σε φυγή από τον ναζισμό). 2020 ISBN: 9781071555637 (eBook)

PORTUGUÊS DO SALÃO DOS ARTISTAS EXILADOS NA CALIFÓRNIA (Salka Viertel acolheu em seu exílio atores, intelectuais proeminentes e pessoas anônimas fugidas do nazismo). 2021 ISBN: 9781071590218 (eBook)

FRANÇAIS LE SALON DES ARTISTES EXILÉS EN CALIFORNIA (Acteurs, intellectuels, anonymes fuyant le nazisme, accueillis par Salka Viertel). 2021 ISBN: 9781071596869 (eBook)

The Salon of Exiled Artists in California by Núria Añó is available at online stores such us: (Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover) (Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover) (Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover) (Kindle)

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Bookshop (paperback)

Núria Añó: Núria Añó cursó estudios de Filología Catalana y Lengua Alemana. Compagina la escritura con la traducción, además de la participación en coloquios y becas internacionales, donde suele hablar de su obra, de creación literaria, cine, ciudades o bien analiza la obra de escritores como Elfriede Jelinek, Patricia Highsmith, Karen Blixen, Salka Viertel, Alexandre Dumas (hijo) o Franz Werfel. Sus novelas, relatos y ensayos han sido traducidos al español, francés, inglés, italiano, alemán, polaco, chino, letón, portugués, neerlandés, griego y árabe. La novela 'Los niños de Elisa' (2006) queda tercera finalista del Premio Ramon Llull de Novela. Siguen 'La escritora muerta' (2008), 'Nubes bajas' (2009), 'La mirada del hijo' (2012) y 'El salón de los artistas exiliados en California' (2020). Gana el XVIII Premio Joan Fuster de Narrativa, el cuarto premio internacional de escritura 2018 Shanghai Get-Together y ha sido galardonada con las prestigiosas becas: Nuoren Voiman Liitto (Finlandia, 2016), Shanghai Writing Program (China, 2016), Baltic Centre (Suecia, 2017), IWTCR (Grecia, 2017), Krakow UNESCO City of Literature (Polonia, 2018), IWTH (Letonia, 2019, 2023 y 2025) y IWP (China, 2020). Más información en